We value RELATIONSHIP; therefore, we will seek to build "authentic" relationships with the local church, the larger Body of Christ, and the churched, un-churched, and de-churched in our community.
We value FAMILY; therefore, we will seek to model and teach God's covenant plan for all relationships.
We value COMMUNITY; therefore, we will determine to be involved in the activities of our community, building redemptive relationships, modeling quality citizenship, rubbing shoulders with the churched, un-churched, and de-churched releasing righteousness into the culture.
We value PEOPLE as talented, gifted, and intelligent; therefore, we will seek to help people discover those abilities and release them for discovering their purpose, bearing fruit, and impacting lives, for the glory of God.
We value ENCOURAGEMENT; therefore, we determine to cultivate a "Barnabas" atmosphere where people are built up, strengthened, and motivated to grow/follow from Grace, instead of guilt.
We value LEADERSHIP; therefore, we will model a Christ-like servant-leadership that will provide clear direction/vision and will be committed to develop/ multiply leaders to release them into their God-ordained missions.
We value SERVANT-HOOD; therefore, we will creatively find ways to serve/meet the needs of our community, loving and valuing people as Christ loves them.
We value EDUCATION; therefore, we will determine to teach the Word of God using all teaching modalities, with teaching that is relevant (specific needs), rational (understandable), and relational (with steps to put truth into daily practice.)