Our Vision
Vision Description:
"Connecting people to God, His Word, their Purpose,
and each other in authentic relationship"
A. Connected to God —
We believe that there is a spiritual awareness, openness, and hunger in our present culture that makes this time in history potentially one of the most fruitful harvests that the church has ever had the opportunity to experience. In our present culture, the word/idea of "connection" is pretty well established. We connect to the internet, connect with cable, connect/interface with computers and programs, and we connect/network with other businesses/leaders.
But, there are important areas that people have become weak in their connections. They have failed to get connected with God. Most have some kind of belief, but fail to move toward that belief becoming and experiential reality. We have a vision to connect people with God in "authentic" relationship. Jesus is THE ONLY WAY for people to get connected to God the Father. John 14:6-7
B. Connected to His Word —
Even though many people claim to believe in God and even declare some kind of relationship to Him, they have failed to connect TRUTH to their daily living. There seems to be a dis-connection between the TRUTH of God's Word and the way they live. We have a vision to connect people to the unchanging truth of God's Word in "authentic" relationship. Clear teaching that is relevant, rational (understandable), and relational (can be applied to their daily living) is what we will consistently present. Matthew 15:18-19
C. Connected to Life Purpose -
All of the above mentioned connections will help people to find another connection, namely, their purpose in life. So many people are completely unaware that God has a unique purpose for their lives. We are committed to helping them in the process of discovery. We have a vision to help connect people to their God-ordained purpose in living, their own unique calling. Romans 8:28
D. Connected to Each Other —
With all our technology and so-called busy schedules, people have lost the skills to connect with each other in meaningful, maturing, mentoring relationships, We have a vision to connect people with each other in "authentic" relationships. Relationships that are enriching, joyful, and meaningful. Relationships that are designed to bring out the best in each other, that add value to each of us. Relationships that will bring personal growth, family strength, and community transformation, Matthew 20:26-28
Our Church Name "The Bridge HD Church"
A name communicates character, personality, and in our case "vision/mission." We have chosen "The Bridge" for our name because of what it communicates.
Consider the following 3 definitions from Encarta dictionary:
1. "Create understanding between people: to create a means of communication or understanding between people or a means of reconciling their differences."
2. "Structure allowing passage across an obstacle."
3. "Something provides a link, connection, or means of coming together."